About our work

About Dementia launched in 2019, thanks to funding from the Life Changes Trust. Since then, we’ve been working alongside people living with dementia, unpaid carers and partner organisations to make a meaningful impact in influencing policy and practice.
We engage with people with lived experience to understand what needs to change, then work collaboratively to do what we can to make those changes real. Our work spans many areas but connecting with people affected by dementia at a community level lies at the heart of everything we do.
The community enables people with lived experience of dementia to thrive and flourish by providing genuine opportunities to be meaningfully involved in important projects, thus providing opportunities denied by many after diagnosis.
About Dementia member

Meet the About Dementia team
Find out more about the team behind About Dementia and the work that they do
Our aims
- Discuss and debate existing evidence and learning, drawing out best practice and influencing policy makers so that it is embedded in policy and implemented.
- Identify gaps in policy, practice and research and carry out work to address these gaps, seeking funding where necessary.
- Highlight seemingly insurmountable challenges in policy and practice and propose solutions to these challenges.
- Work alongside people with lived experience of dementia to influence policy makers, leaders and practitioners in Scotland to ensure policy meets the needs of people with dementia, their families and unpaid carers
- Operate from the grassroots up, with influencing at a local level considered as important as influencing at a national level.