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Give as you Live

Give as you Live

Give as you live is a free and easy way to help raise free funds for Age Scotland while shopping online or instore with your favourite retailers.

Give as you Live Online

Join for free today and start raising when you shop at over 6,000 stores online. Click on a store you want to shop with and they'll direct you to the store's website where you can continue to shop as normal. Your purchase will automatically generate free funds for Age Scotland!

From holidays and travel, to clothing and gifts, you can raise hundreds of pounds from all your online purchases.

Find out more about Give as you Live Online

Give as you Live Instore

You can now raise funds for older people in Scotland when you shop instore. Your weekly shop could raise up to £100 a year without costing you a penny.  

Pre-load your grocery store card ready for your next in-store supermarket shop at Sainsbury's, ASDA, Morrisons, Waitrose & Partners or Marks & Spencer. You'll raise free funds every time you top-up!

Find out more about Give as you Live Instore