Frequently Asked Questions

Thinking about signing up for payroll giving but you’re not too sure how it works? Find answers to common questions about payroll giving, and learn how it can make a real difference to the lives of older people across Scotland.
What is Payroll Giving?
Payroll Giving is a hassle-free, tax-efficient way to regularly donate to a charity such as Age Scotland. It allows you to make regular donations directly from your gross pay, before tax is calculated. This means the charity receives more while you pay less!
Am I eligible for Payroll Giving?
Payroll giving is a form of employee benefit. To find out if you can donate via payroll giving, you need to check if your employer offers the scheme as part of your employee benefits package. This information may be available on your staff intranet, or you can speak directly with your HR/Payroll team.
How does it work?
Setting up Payroll Giving is incredibly simple:
Once you’ve expressed an interest and established your eligibility, your employer will enrol you onto the scheme.
You’ll be asked to confirm the amount you’d like to donate, how often, and the charity/charities you’d like to donate to (you can pick more than one).
Once set up, your donation/s will automatically be taken from your gross pay, before tax is deducted.
Does it require my bank details?
No, you don’t even need to enter your bank details when setting up Payroll Giving. Once it’s set up, there’s nothing you need to do to ensure the charity receives your donations.
Can I change my mind once I’ve enrolled?
Yes. You can stop donating, or change your donation amount at any time.
Can I give a one-off donation though Payroll Giving?
Yes. While most people use payroll giving for regular monthly donations, you can donate on a one-off, or more irregular basis. You can also make additional donations on top of your monthly ones, if you wish.
What are the benefits of Payroll Giving?
Aside from it being a really easy way for you to donate, payroll giving also provides a predictable stream of income to a charity, meaning the charity can plan and allocate resources in a more effective way.
At Age Scotland we are acutely aware of the ageing population and meeting growing demand for our services. Having a regular income from payroll giving enables us to plan for the future, developing and expanding our services to meet demand.
There are minimal administration fees involved with payroll giving, however your employer can choose to cover these costs. Speak to your employer if you’d like to find out more about this.
Why should I consider Payroll Giving to Age Scotland?
Every donation we receive helps fund vital services which improve the lives of people over the age of 50, right across Scotland.
These services include our friendship line, which offers advice and companionship to older people experiencing loneliness and isolation, through weekly phone calls. Your support can also help us deliver services like our Health and Wellbeing programmes, which keep older people active and connected.
There are so many reasons to support our work, and payroll giving makes it easier than ever to do so.