Other ways to partner

However you choose to work with us, we will create a partnership which suits the aims and requirements of your organisation and employees.
We really value the support of our corporate partners. There are many ways to work with us, including taking part in corporate volunteering and donating to us through payroll giving. Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss other options.
Corporate Volunteering
Our corporate partners can help us to tackle loneliness amongst older people in Scotland by enabling their employees to volunteer on our Friendship Line. We can also aim to facilitate volunteering by coin collecting, supporting us at fundraising events or working with our local member groups.
I gained more from my friendship calls than I ever could have imagined. I am grateful and humbled to be part of such an amazing organisation and to have been given the opportunity to connect with the most wonderful individuals across the country.
Corporate Friendship Volunteer, 2023
Giving a gift-in-kind can be a valuable way to support our work and spread cheer to the people we support. Our annual 'Big Gift Appeal' seeks Christmas gifts from organisations to deliver to our local member groups.
We were delighted with this kind gesture of gifts, as our service users will be. We all felt privileged we are to be on the receiving end of such thoughtfulness and generosity.
Carol Reddington, Fife Day Centre
Our Corporate Big Wheesht Challenge
If you are a business leader or influencer, we challenge you to 'Haud your Wheesht' and raise £1,000 before being allowed to talk again. Our Big Wheesht corporate challenge is a one-day event on the 12 September 2024.
When it was suggested that I was a prime candidate to participate in Age Scotland's Big Wheesht, I wasn't sure whether I should be indignant about the suggestion that I talk too much or pleased that someone believed I could really be silent for up to 12 hours. The event was a great way to support the charity and I know the team loved it. It was a good morale boost for them in a long, tiring work year.
Lawrence Brodie, Big Wheesht participant
Payroll Giving
Tax-free giving directly from your salary is an easy way to support our work. It costs less to give more from your pay, as the donation is taken before the tax is deducted. Therefore, a monthly donation of £10 will only cost £8 of your take-home pay. You can learn more about Payroll Giving here.
It’s such an easy way to donate to the charity and even better is that it is tax free too!
Payroll giving supporter
Get in touch
Find out more about the ways we can work together by emailing us at fundraising@agescotland.org.uk