Body Boosting Bingo

A firm favourite with older people’s groups, Body Boosting Bingo is a game of bingo, with a twist – the familiar rhyming bingo calls and linked to a movement. For example, ‘Number 10, let’s twist again’ invites players to join in with a standing or seated twist. There are 30 numbers and movements to be called and the first person to get a complete line is declared the winner. The fun, game is played to a musical score.
Each session lasts between 45 minutes and an hour, with standing and seated options available for all the moves.
In the video below Body Boosting Bingo creators, Yolanda and Jenny, introduce the game.
Jenny and Yolanda introduce Body Boosting Bingo
Enjoyable, uplifting and exhilarating
player in a session with the Kirkintilloch Seniors
Training events
We’re offering a programme of games leader training events. This includes half-day workshops for those new to Body Boosting Bingo, and refresher webinars for those familiar with the previous edition. There is no charge for groups and services that support older people in Scotland.