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Dementia Awareness and Inclusion

Older man smiling

As working beyond the age of 65 becomes common, more people will be affected by dementia in a number of ways while in employment.

More than 90,000 people in Scotland live with dementia, a number expected to double in the next 25 years.  As changes to retirement and state pension rules make working beyond age 65 common, more people will experience early symptoms of dementia while in employment.

Many workers are also unpaid carers for someone who has dementia and a growing number of customers who use your organisation’s products and services will be affected by dementia, directly or as a dementia carer.

Dementia is a workplace issue. 

AIW Dementia Inclusion Workshop stats

Workshop content and outcomes

This workshop aims to ensure your managers, HR team and customer facing staff are better informed and prepared to respond effectively to the issues surrounding dementia in the workplace.

We have developed the workshop into a number of modules allowing organisations to choose those that are most relevant for their needs. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Signs, symptoms and risk factors of dementia
  • Communicating effectively with someone living with dementia
  • Employer legal obligations
  • Supporting an employee or customer living with dementia
  • Workplace support for employees who are carers of people living with dementia

After attending one of our workshops your staff are more likely to: 

  • Understand the signs and symptoms of dementia.
  • Feel empowered to understand the needs of someone living with dementia.
  • Communicate effectively and empathetically with someone living with dementia, whether a customer or co-worker.
  • Help foster a positive working culture in which staff with dementia or caring for someone with dementia, feel supported by both their employer and co-workers.
  • Work with your organisation to develop more dementia-inclusive practices as part of its commitment to support vulnerable customers and colleagues.
  • Managers and HR teams will understand how to support employees who may be living with early stage dementia or are carers.
  • Adopt healthy working lifestyles that reduce the risk of dementia.

As a result of attending this workshop, attendees will:

  • Understand the signs and symptoms of dementia
  • Feel empowered to understand the needs of someone living with dementia
  • Learn skills to communicate effectively and empathetically with someone living with dementia
  • Adopt healthy working lifestyles that reduce the risk of dementia

Additionally, our Dementia Awareness workshops for HR Teams and Managers will help attendees:

  • foster a positive working culture in which staff with dementia or caring for someone with dementia feel supported by their employer
  • develop more dementia-inclusive practices as part of a commitment to support vulnerable customers and colleagues
  • understand how to support employees who may be living with early-stage dementia or are carers.

Make an enquiry

Get in touch with us for a discussion or to find out more about dementia in the workplace

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