Blog: Age better together in 2025

Actions for health feature frequently in New Years’ resolutions, yet many of us find it difficult to stick to them.
Psychology research suggests that, rather than setting unrealistic goals, a better approach is to make small changes in our daily routines that become long-term habits, resulting in better ageing over time. That’s why we’re inviting Scotland to make small, science-based changes for better ageing this May through Take Five to Age Well, an initiative of the Open University, Age Scotland, and Age UK.
Right now, we’d like to hear from groups of people interested in supporting each other to age well by forming a Take Five to Age Well club. You might be people involved in an existing community group, public service, intergenerational project, or workplace. Alternatively, you could be friends or neighbours who would like to set up an informal Take Five to Age Well club from scratch.
We’ll provide you with a pack for exploring, in the run up to May, five areas essential for ageing well: healthy eating (Eat), staying hydrated (Drink), taking care of your brain (Think), being physically active (Move) and staying socially stimulated (Connect and Engage). In the pack you’ll find easy-to-use ideas and resources for a series of one-hour discussion and activity sessions (you can do between 3 and 7 of these sessions according to your interests).
Using the pack will empower your club’s members to select, and with the support of each other, succeed in, a personal healthy ageing pledge over 30 consecutive days. Additionally, you might also choose a whole club pledge that can be completed over up to 3 months. No special equipment or internet access is required to form a Take Five to Age Well club, as the pack will be available in both electronic and paper formats.
Take Five to Age Well clubs will need one or two people willing to lead discussion and activities. While we’re aiming for the pack to be clear and easy to use, we recognise that sometimes a little extra support can be welcome. That’s why we’re offering free half-day training on ‘Supporting Older People to Age Well’, in Edinburgh (22nd January), Perth (5th February), Aberdeen (19th February), and Glasgow (26th February).
A few weeks before the start of May individuals will be able to register on the Take Five to Age Well website, to receive online support through May for achieving their personal pledge. It will be possible to both register as an individual and be part of a Take Five to Age Well club. We’ll share further information once individual registration is open.
- Request a Take Five to Age Well club pack (please include your full postal address)
- Details and booking for Supporting Older People to Age Well training
- Visit the Open University Take Five to Age Well website