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Encouraging and Supporting Grassroots Activity Fund

The 'Encouraging and Supporting Grassroots Activity (ESGA) Fund' was designed for smaller, grassroots organisations looking to provide community-led support for people affected by dementia.

In 2022 a funding pot of £145,921 via our Scottish Government investment was available to groups and organisations across Scotland, with fourteen projects announced as the successful recipients. Our 2023 round of funding was delivered as part of About Dementia’s Legacy partner commitments to the now-closed Life Changes Trust. This provided a funding pot of £170,000 with twelve projects announced as the recipients. It is hoped the fund will address gaps in support for people living with dementia and unpaid carers, break down barriers such as transport issues, and empower people to live well within their communities.

Age Scotland’s ESGA fund will make an enormous difference to the support we are able to offer in South West Argyll. We will be able to employ new staff and engage with greater numbers of people affected by dementia. We have greatly appreciated the support, training and information from Age Scotland in the last few years, particularly in regards to dementia, and we are very much looking forward to working with them on our project in 2024.

Cowal Elderly Befrienders, ESGA fund recipients

We are now closed to further applications. Any future funding will be announced via our website.