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Older woman in workplace 4

Launching in Summer 2024

Our research and collaboration with partners has shown that menopause is a significant issue in the workplace. One in ten menopausal women with troublesome symptoms will leave their job. 

51% of the UK population is female. Menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, but can happen earlier. Most women will experience menopausal symptoms – some can be severe and have a significant impact on women’s lives, including in the workplace.

We have used our research and unique brand of expertise around both workplaces and age-related issues, to create a suite of menopause workshops and webinars, starting with a comprehensive diagnostic tool that pinpoints where your organisation is on its menopause journey.

It’s important to foster a culture of awareness and compassionate management in the workplace so women feel confident and comfortable in raising issues around their menopause or menstrual health

Jenni Minto, Minister for Women's Health

If there is more than one of the 11 Priorities you are keen to learn more about, connect with our AIM Getting Started programme, or simply get in touch with our team for a discussion.

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Get in touch with us for a discussion or to find out more about our menopause workshops

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You can also contact our sales team on or call us on 0131 668 8045