Recruitment and Retention

Don’t let age be a barrier to hiring and retaining the best people for the job.
Older workers are up to three times less likely to be invited for job interviews than their younger counterparts and have fewer opportunities offered to them for workplace options such as training or flexible working.
Research carried out by the leading body for HR and people development, CIPD, shows that an age diverse workforce can benefit both the individual and the organisation.
It’s clear that some businesses are losing out on talent!
We will shortly be offering a new workshop on this subject and are updating our research and planning for it.
If you are interested in talking to us about recruitment and retention, please get in touch and check out our other products on Unconscious Bias and Age Inclusive for Managers which both cover elements of recruitment and retention.
To harness the skills and experience older workers possess, employers need to improve the way they recruit, train and retain older workers in the first place
Make an enquiry
Get in touch with us for a discussion or to find out more about recruitment and retention