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Age Inclusion for Managers

Younger manager

Did you know that ageism is the most widespread discrimination in the UK? Or that according to research, and despite a recruitment crisis across many sectors, only 4 in 10 employers are open to hiring people aged between 50 and 64?

We have developed this CPD accredited Age Inclusion for Managers workshop with the University of Edinburgh Business School to create the only course of its kind in the UK.

We use our combined research to provide information that raises awareness around age discrimination and age inclusion in the workplace. We use digital media to facilitate group discussions to explore the unique combination of challenges that older workers can face, and the unique opportunities intergenerational teams offer organisations who are dedicated to age inclusion and diversity.

This workshop will also raise awareness of the valuable role that older workers play and look at how to increase retention, improve recruitment and ensure healthy knowledge transfer, as well as a happy and productive working environment.

As a result of attending this workshop, attendees will:

  • develop a greater awareness of the potential for ageism in the workplace
  • feel more able to identify potential age-related challenges in the workplace
  • have an increased understanding of the role of a line manager in supporting older workers
  • have a greater understanding of how organisational culture can influence an older worker's experience in the workplace
  • feel better equipped to handle challenging conversations around age.

A really concise course, delivered in a really positive way. Engaging, informative and enjoyable

Participant, 2023

Get in touch

Get in touch with us for a discussion or to find out more about Age Inclusion for Managers


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