General Information
General information for older people in Scotland, including general rights and entitlements, returning to Scotland after a period of living abroad and the rights of LGBTQ+ older people.
2025 Age Scotland Calendar
Our popular annual calendar is a useful resource which is full of practical seasonal advice for making the most of later life all year round.
Age Maze
We know that growing older doesn’t come with a manual. Later life can bring changes and new opportunities in your life. Our Age Maze aims to give you information about the organisations and services that are there to help you.
Age Scotland Publications List
Order form for our free information guides 2024.
Returning to Scotland from Abroad
Useful information if you are a British citizen who has lived abroad, and you are considering returning to live in Scotland.
Rights of LGBTQ+ older people in Scotland
Most of the issues, advice and policies relating to later life apply to everyone equally, but there are some things that may affect members of the LGBTQ+ community differently.
Useful Contacts
In later life, you may be faced with practical problems that you have not had to deal with before. This guide lists organisations that can help with a range of common issues.