
Most of us have papers or letters we have been meaning to sort out or file away. They might contain information you may need in a hurry if, for example the roof starts leaking and you need to call your landlord or insurance company, your car won’t start and you want to call out the breakdown service, or your pet goes missing and you need to report their microchip number.
The Lifebook doesn't ask you to write down details you wouldn’t want to fall into the wrong hands like passwords, PINs or account numbers, but it will help you to gather useful information and contacts together in one convenient place.
You don't have to complete it all, or all at once. You could complete it over the year as different contracts come up for renewal (remember to shop around for the best deal when they do). There is extra space so you can update details if you change supplier.
As you work through paperwork, you will probably find old documents you can shred or recycle. Throwing out the things you don’t need will make it easier to find what you do need quickly. It is a good idea to file current paperwork into categories for different types of documents. You might like to start with the headings of the Lifebook and add your own categories if needed.
Keep your Lifebook somewhere safe, but accessible enough that you will remember to update it. Let people you trust know where to find it.
If you have a partner, spouse or civil partner, they may want to complete a Lifebook too so you can keep all your household information together.
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