Health and Wellbeing
Taking care of your mental and physical health is important. Our guides cover keeping active, staying well and getting support. They also include NHS treatment, bereavement and mental capacity, a legal term for the ability to take and remember decisions.
The death of someone close to you can be one of the hardest things you ever have to deal with. Our bereavement guide looks at some of the things that could help you, now and in the future.
Bladder and Bowel Problems
People of all ages can have issues controlling their bladder or bowel. This guide looks at common problems, and some of the things you can do to cure, treat, or manage them.
Eat Well
Ideas and practical suggestions to help you maintaining a healthy diet in later life, and information about who can support you to enjoy healthy, tasty and satisfying food. Produced in collaboration with Eat Well Age Well.
Health and Wellbeing in Later Life
Most of us could benefit from being healthier, and it is never too late to start.
Hospital discharge in Scotland
Information about NHS hospital discharge assessment and planning.
Hydration Matters
The easiest thing you can do to feel better today is to keep your body hydrated. Water is the best thing you can drink for good hydration, helping to boost your mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Keeping Active in Later Life
Doing more physical activity is a great way to change your life for the better. This guide is for you if you are thinking about being more physically active, whatever your level of fitness.
Keeping your feet in later life
Although falls may become more of a concern in later life, there are things you can do to be more confident, steady and safe on your feet.
Mental Capacity in Scotland
Information about what mental capacity means in Scotland, how the law works in practice and where to get advice.
Mental Health: Keeping well and who can help
Information and advice about keeping on top of your emotional and mental wellbeing.
Mental Health: Supporting someone with their mental health
Caring for someone who has a mental health condition can be challenging. This guide provides information about the support available, for you and them.
NHS services for older people
Information about the NHS services available to support older people, as well as advice about where to turn for any health issues you may experience.